Understanding Glaucoma

Early detection of glaucoma is critical. Complete a self-assessment questionnaire today to evaluate your risk.

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What is Glaucoma?


There are two main types of glaucoma: open-angle and angle-closure. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common type, but most people don’t have any early symptoms that are easily self-detected. It often goes undiagnosed until damage to the optic nerve causes noticeable vision loss. Angle-closure is less common in some parts of the world, and can present in a very similar manner to open-angle glaucoma. However, in some rare cases it can present with sudden and intense eye pain.

The most essential step in detecting glaucoma is to have regular eye exams so that your doctor can perform the necessary tests. Both open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma run in families; if you have a family history of glaucoma, it’s essential to discuss this with your ophthalmologist.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, speak with your eye doctor about glaucoma:

Blurred or decreased vision

22% percent of glaucoma patients experience some vision loss before being diagnosed.

Loss of peripheral vision

This can be difficult to self-identify, but some patients report an increase of bumping into objects initially undetected in their peripheral vision.

Eye pressure or pain

An attack of acute angle-closure glaucoma can cause severe eye pain and a red (inflamed) eye, and may be accompanied by nausea, headaches, and/or gastrointestinal upset.

Eye pain or pressure is a rare complaint in an open-angle glaucoma diagnosis. Most patients don’t feel a difference in eye pressure unless it has built up significantly over the years.

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Frequently Asked Questions with Dr. Kanjee

Dr. Raageen Kanjee is a glaucoma specialist and lecturer in the Department of Ophthalmology at the Max Rady College of Medicine in Winnipeg.

Frequently Asked Questions with Dr. Kanjee

How do I know if I have glaucoma if I don't have symptoms?


If I've been diagnosed with glaucoma, will I lose my vision?


How do I know if my glaucoma will stabilize or keep getting get worse?


What are treatments for glaucoma?


I don’t have eye pressure anymore, so can I stop my treatment?


If I'm at an increased risk of developing glaucoma, are there any preventative measures I can take?


Is glaucoma hereditary? Should I be concerned for my kids?


Where can I go to access more glaucoma resources?
