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What is post-stroke spasticity?


  • Flexed elbow folded against the chest
  • Extended elbow that’s difficult to bend
  • Increased muscle tone or resistance
  • Flexed wrist
  • Tight fist with curled fingers
  • Knee extension
  • Ankle plantar flexion (foot is pointed downward)
  • Curled toes (toes are curling downward)
  • Big toe extension (“Hitchhiker’s toe”)
  • Painful muscle spasms
  • Stiffness in the arms, hands, legs, or feet
  • Uncontrollable movement or jerking
Flexed wrist
Ankle plantar flexion and big toe extension


A combination of tools may be used as part of the care plan for people living with post-stroke spasticity, such as:

  • Occupational therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Gentle handling and positioning
  • Excercise
  • Splints or orthotics
  • Medication

The symptoms of post-stroke spasticity may take days or even months to appear. As a result, it’s possible to overlook the correlation. Left untreated, however, spasticity can have a serious effect on function, comfort, and care delivery, and can lead to life-threatening complications.

If you or someone you love could be living with post-stroke spasticity, speak to your physician about a unique care plan. They will assess the amount of spasticity, its impact on the patient’s function, and treatment goals to recommend a custom management strategy.

The sooner you identify post-stroke spasticity, the sooner you can seek a customized care plan. Discuss the challenge of everyday activities and movement impacted by muscle stiffness with your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions with Dr. Ève Boissonnault

Dr. Ève Boissonnault is a neurorehabilitation specialist at CHUM and the Gingras-Lindsay Rehabilitation Institute in Montréal who treats patients with post-stroke spasticity in several clinics.

Self-Assessment Guide

Frequently Asked Questions with Dr. Ève Boissonnault

How and why does spasticity occur after a stroke?


What are the various manifestations of spasticity?


How long after a stroke do the signs and symptoms appear?


Who can have spasticity after a stroke?


How do you care for a patient with spasticity after a stroke?


Why is it important to treat spasticity as quickly as possible?


“I recently had a stroke, but I haven’t noticed any symptoms of spasticity. What signs do I need to look out for?”


How do I help a loved one with post-stroke spasticity?


Where can I get more information on post-stroke spasticity?

