Patient Voice spoke with Ben and Katherine in a feature that explores Ben’s ongoing recovery from a traumatic brain injury and the loving bond that’s kept Katherine by his side.
Disease-altering medicines are being developed at an astounding rate – so why can’t Canadian rare disease patients secure timely access to them?
Patient Voice spoke with Catherine Mulvale about the pain — and the rare moments of beauty — associated with caring for a parent living with dementia.
Ankylosing spondylitis
Patient Voice ambassador Steff Di Pardo shares her journey of coping with an ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis and how her advocacy provides comfort and support to others with disabilities.
Normalizing the dialogue around one’s preferences and expectations helps patients have a life they believe is worth living.
Multiple pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) therapies are available to patients in other countries — so why are Canadians waiting longer to receive access to them?
Grief and traumatic injury
Patient Voice spoke with Nick Veloce about his twin griefs over the loss of his wife and, due to a horrible accident shortly after, his mobility.
Crohn’s disease
Patient Voice spoke with Megan Marsiglio about how sharing her experiences with Crohn’s disease has shaped virtually every aspect of her life.
Kidney cancer
Patient Voice spoke with Ed Faddies about how he copes with the fear and confusion that can come hand-in-hand with a kidney cancer diagnosis.